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2017 was another good year for us at WORLDART. We participated in the SCOPEAart Show in Miami for the first time with WOLRDART artist’s Norman O’Flynn and Kilmany-Jo Liversage. The atmosphere was awesome and their works were received really well!

2017 also saw us have successful solo shows with Norman O’Flynn, Bastiaan van Stenis, Dion Cupido and Claude Chandler.

This year we introduced a new artist to our roster, the lego queen, Faatimah Mohamed-Luke, who will have her first solo show with us in February 2018.

We’ll be ending the year with new works by the artists we represent with our Summer Show. WORLDART artist’s Lizette ChirrimeKilmany-Jo LiversageClaude ChandlerDion CupidoNorman O’Flynn and Bastiaan van Stenis will have their new works on show until the end of January.

Thank you to everyone who made to WORLDART during the course of the year, we appreciate your support & look forward to an even better 2018.

Happy holidays!